Третата международна конференция по социодрама под надслов „Светлината намира пътя“ ще се проведе от 2 до 5 септември 2010 г. в Патагония, Аржентина. Повече информация можете да научите от анонса на конференцията на английски език (препратено от д-р Гълъбина Тарашоева и Моника Сурети).

Light finds the way

The Third International Sociodrama Conference

2 – 5 September 2010 – Patagonia – Argentina

The First International Sociodrama Conference was held in Portugal out of an intuition felt by Manuela Maciel and her team of sociodramatists, and was named “Transparent looks”.

The Second Conference was named “Society’s Shadows” and was held in Stockholm and Helsinki. Where, during the closing session, it was decided that the next one would be held in Patagonia- Argentina, a place of beginnings, where the whales dwell.

It is about gathering to work, to discover and to study. Those who participate will be able to present their thoughts put into action, share their reflexions and the possibilities they recognize in Sociodrama.

The number of participants is limited, for during the conference it is expected to create a space where everybody can meet, get to know each other and share.

Scientific Coordination:

Team of Professors of the Post-Degree Seminars: “Sociodrama and Role-playing en organizaciones” and “Supervisión y Técnicas en Psicodrama”, Universidad de Buenos Aires.

Scientific Coordinator: Mónica Zuretti
monica@zuretti.com.ar , mzuretti@hotmail.com

Contact delegates in IAGP Congress in Rome Norma Caceres y Cristina Moreira

Supporting Organizations:

Centros de Psicodrama y Sociodrama Zerka T. Moreno de Puerto Madryn, Buenos Aires y Córdoba, Argentina.
Centro de Psicodrama y Sociodrama Zerka T. Moreno de Vitoria, España.
Advisory Organization Commeety from previous conferences in Portugal and Sweden-Finland.
Www.sociodrama.info (under constrction )

Program of Activities

Puerto Madryn, Chubut, Patagonia Argentina, 2 – 5 September, 2010

Thursday, September 2nd

15.00-17.30 Registration
18.00-19.30 Opening Ceremony

Friday, September 3rd

10.00 Departure to Puerto Pirámides.
12.00 Whale-watching experience.
14.30 Lunch
15.30 Sociodramatic afternoon.
Return to Puerto Madryn after sunset.
Dinner, free. 

Saturday, September 4th

09.30- 11.45 Sociodrama related to previous day experience.
12.00- 13.15 Lecture / Round table
13.30 Light lunch at the hotel
15.00- 16.30 Workshops
17.00-19.30 Workshops
22.00 Spontaneity Theatre

Sunday, September 5th

09.30-10.45 Workshops
11.15-13.00 Workshops
Lunch, free.
16.00-18.00 Sociodrama and closure.
18.30-20.00 Synthesis and reflexion meeting.
Farewell dinner.

Трета международна конференция по социодрама – Патагония, Аржентина
Към началото